Small Business Website Ritcor…
Expert Website Design for Small Businesses
Your small business needs a website if you want to compete with the big boys and not only that you offer customers convenience as well. You may have thought about getting a small business website and doing it yourself but as soon as you saw the hassles involved of coding and programming you ditched the idea.
HTML is still the base language for building and managing websites and once you get the hang of it then you will see it is not as complicated as it looks. The abbreviation stands for ‘Hyper Text Markup Language’ which is the programming computers understand and the coding used to build websites.
Browsers such as Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and internet explorers can interpret this language and show your website to others online the way you have used the HTML coding to do so.
Today you can build a small business website using CMS or blog platforms like word press, PHO databases and other readymade website building software. It is still a learning curve however and you need to experiment a little to see what different HTML code can do for a website.
Managing the looks of a website is now even easier with CSS which stands for cascading Style Sheets which allows you to change the look and feel of an entire website with a few minor modifications to the code.
Get your small business website live using any of the many types of online website builders software which have WYSIWYG which stands for what you see is what you get where the overall changes you are making are live while making them.
There are endless tutorials online for building your website and if you encounter an obstacle there are forums to help you correct it.
Its exciting learning how to build a website whether it is for personal use or for a small business you own. Most importantly, you should have an online presence with your own company website if you want your business to be competitive.
Small Business Websites the Affordable Way…
Many professional website designers are prepared to custom build your site but expect to pay premium prices and the problem here is that when you need modifications and updates it’s going to cost you money every time.
Ritcor can assist you with website design and management while we further offer you a range of tutorials included to help teach you how to manage your own small business website making it all cost effective for your budget.
Companies that design websites can change a small fortune to build you a website because they have to cover enormous costs of maintaining staff and offices. offers a full suite of online services at a fraction of the price and we have our own designers that are freelance or work from home offices so overall you are going to save money using us.
Alternatively, you have the choice of using freelancers to do your website projects but you need to choose with care because you want to make certain you get a good deal for your money.
Surely you will agree then that having a website built for your business is vital but it is wise to learn how to manage it and doing so will also teach you enough to start designing websites of your own.
Contact us if you want a basic website built to suit your business and once we have designed it for you then use the tools we provide to help you manage it. You will definitely be proud of what you have accomplished when its all live online!